Vinemon Update v1.1.5 - New Vinemon, Additions/Changes based on Feedback Form, New Moves, and more!

Vinemon: Sauce Edition
Patch 1.1.5
~ Shiny New Patch ~
Thank you for playing Vinemon: Sauce Edition!
This patch includes a multitude of changes. Below contain the following changes:
๐ Increased the likelihood of the player having sex by 35%. Unfortunately, since the likelihood is 0, a
percentage increase will have no visible effect.
๐ Added two new Vinemon! Shorts and Pants have been added to the roster! Both Normal/Ghost
type. Shorts will soon be available as an Egg through a newly released Mystery Gift, for now.
๐ The game can now auto-update from inside the game. No longer will future patches require
downloading the patch separately. The game will now do all that for you. Upon launching the game, the
game will check if there's an update available and ask the player if they'd like to update. If the player
says yes, the game will close and a window will pop up that will download the patch, extract the
contents of the patch, and patch the game for the player. Once this process is complete, the game will
relaunch, fully patched.
๐ Terrain Effects now have a visual indicator. When a Terrain Effect is applied, the battle background
will change to reflect this. The previous battle background will load when the effect expires.
๐ Added a "Steam Deck" mode to the options menu. When enabled, prevents the game from crashing
on steam deck due to a lack of a recording device access.
๐ Mike Love grew a pair and will now fight you after the Jahn Rangers fail to stop you.
๐ Catch rate multipliers are now displayed in the item description of Vineballs.
~Move Changes~
๐ New Move: Burning Stare: A +1 priority move that burns the target. 95% Acc. 5 PP.
๐ New Move: Silk Song: A sound based physical Bug move that raises defense when used (doesn't
make contact). 95 BP, 100 Acc, 10 PP.
๐ New Move: Fire of Sinai: 25 BP, 95 Acc. ???-type Special move. The user cleanses the target in a
baptising flame three to seven times in a row.
๐ Modified Rapture to be 75 BP (up from 60 BP) but 5 PP (down from 10 PP). Still won't cause
flinching if used in succession.
๐ Land's Wrath now properly only targets opponent's side of the field.
๐ Thousand Waves now properly only targets opponent's side of the field.
๐ Diamond Storm now properly only targets opponent's side of the field.
๐ Spud Spout is no longer considered a bomb move.
๐ Man Slave is no longer considered a pulse move.
๐ Charge now keeps the charge until you use an Electric move.~Item Changes~
๐ New Item: Element Orb: When held, the user has 2x STAB instead of 1.5. When hit with a super
effective attack, consume the item and increase attacking stats by 1 stage. When flung, 80 BP, and
causes a random status ailment.
~Ability Changes~
๐ New Ability: False Flames - Contact moves made by the owner of this ability, have a 30% chance
to burn the target, if the target can be burned and makes contact.
๐ New Ability: Ignition Point. Getting hit by a super effective move will make your next 3 moves be
considered super effective, regardless of opponents typing.
~Vinemon Changes~
๐ Rexphile has forced Ghanoose to relocate after taking over their Lake Entropy habitat.
๐ Hollowmite and Mourtis now has access to Silk Song. Learned at level 42. Megahorn moved to
level 50.
~Bug Fixes~
๐ Resolved undefined fainted? method (needed to be isFainted?) as it pertains to the Receiver ability.
๐ Resolved issue related to the RNG check for online use of Quick Claw.
๐ Resolved stairs facing inconsistency in Eggspress Tunnel.
๐ Resolved issue with proper battle background not being used near the end of the labs section.
๐ Resolved issue with Desert Cloak setting up sand if you attack first in a round.
๐ Resolved issue with Cognitto not updating their sprite properly if battle animations are turned off.
๐ Resolved issue with Corrupted Safari Zone Battle BGM not playing when in the cave section of the
๐ Resolved issue with Entrainment succeeding against a target holding an Ability Shield.
๐ Fixed line break issue on Cloud portrait.
๐ AI will have an increased priority for switching an Imposter Cognitto into a Soul Steal Druzinatos
if boosted (already was like this for other abilities like Moxie)
๐ Waluigi Gatehouse battle background set properly.
๐ Resolved issue with Vineballs not properly displaying their sprite when swapped.
~Miscellaneous Changes~
๐ Added Safari Zone back to Habitats list and had them all fit on the page.
๐ Using the Vii-AR-P while the effect is still in play, will now turn off the Vii-AR-P (Standard
duration still needs to be in effect.)
๐ Overhauled Habitat stamps.
๐ Slightly raised levels on Route 8 to keep in line with the level curve.
๐ Resolved issue with Emmanual Blast's Vinemon not having perfect IVs for the fight.
๐ Overhauled Jahn Grunt teams throughout the game.
๐ Updated one of the trivia questions in the Void Kingdom for clarity.
๐ Vinny no longer able to crawl like a baby outside of vents and small areas.
๐ Hidden items not revealed by Vii-AR-P properly setup (don't need to stand on top of them to trigger
๐ Gym Leader Statues now all properly update if Vinny beat the gym. If you have Level Caps
enabled, talking to these statues will tell you the current cap the levels are set to.
๐ Resolved softlock in lab regarding DMCA machine if you talk to it from the right side.
๐ AI won't use White Noise when affected by the effects of White Noise.
๐ AI improved as it pertains to identifying bomb moves.
Get Vinemon: Sauce Edition - Vinesauce Fan Game
Vinemon: Sauce Edition - Vinesauce Fan Game
A Monster Catching Fan Game made in RPG Maker XP Engine which is coined as 'A Interactive Shitpost full of soul.'
Status | Released |
Author | AlizarinRed |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | Comedy, meta, Pixel Art, RPG Maker, shroomjam, Story Rich, streamer, twitch, vinesauce, youtube |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Configurable controls |
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